2015광주유니버시아드 폐막식 공식행사, 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony Official Ceremony Events 2

Author : 나랑블루 / Date : 2015. 7. 17. 15:50 / Category : 문화·예술·스포츠/광주U대회.유니버시아드

2015광주유니버시아드 폐막식 공식행사, 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony 

Official Ceremony Events 2



2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony

Official Ceremony Events 2

Farewell Address / Closing Address / Declaration / Lowering and Hand Over of the FISU Flag / Address by the Next Universiade / Cultural Performance by the Next Universiade

공식행사 2

환송사 / 폐회사 / 폐회선언 / 대회기 하강 및 이양 /

차기개최지 기념사 / 차기개최지 문화공연

Official Ceremony Events 2

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Official Ceremony Events 2 ⓒ외침


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