2015광주유니버시아드 폐막식 공식행사, 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony Cultural Performance1

Author : 나랑블루 / Date : 2015. 7. 17. 15:34 / Category : 문화·예술·스포츠/광주U대회.유니버시아드



2015광주유니버시아드 폐막식 공식행사, 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony Cultural Performance1

2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony

Cultural Performance 1

Spreading the Wings of Light

Remember U / Song of Youth / With the Light, to the World

문화행사 1

빛의 날개를 펴고

빛의 날개를 펴다 / Remember U / 젊음의 노래 / 빛으로 세계로

Cultural Performance 1

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1,  Spreading the Wings of Light ⓒ외침

빛의 날개를 펴고

Spreading the Wings of Light

대한민국 광주에서 함께했던 세계 젊음들이

빛나는 미래로 도약하기 위해 빛의 날개를 활짝 펼칩니다.

The youths gathered in Gwangju spread their wings of light to take flight into the shining future.

빛의 날개를 펴다 Spreading the Wings of Light _ 대학 응원단 연합 공연

ㆍRemember U _ 12일간의 기록 영상

젊음의 노래 Song of Youth _ 축하 공연 (울랄라 세션)

ㆍ빛으로 세계로 With the Light, to the World _ 미디어아트 쇼 (이이남 & 닷밀)

*Photo : BOLD

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1,  Spreading the Wings of Light ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1,  Spreading the Wings of Light ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1,  Spreading the Wings of Light ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1,  Spreading the Wings of Light ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1,  Spreading the Wings of Light ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1,  Spreading the Wings of Light ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1,  Spreading the Wings of Light ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1,  Spreading the Wings of Light ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1,  Spreading the Wings of Light ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1,  Spreading the Wings of Light ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1 ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1, Song of Youth ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1, Song of Youth ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1, Song of Youth ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1, Song of Youth ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Cultural Performance1, Song of Youth ⓒ외침


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