2015광주유니버시아드 폐막식 식전행사, 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony

Author : 나랑블루 / Date : 2015. 7. 15. 07:14 / Category : 문화·예술·스포츠/광주U대회.유니버시아드

2015광주유니버시아드 폐막식 

식전행사, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events

- 빛을 품은 그대 ,The Light You Embrace

12일간, 대회의 또 다른 빛이었던 자원봉사자와 광주시민들의 열정을 추억합니다.

Recollection of the passion of the volunteers and the citizens of Gwangju,

who were also the lights of the Universiade for the past 12 days.

열정의 두근거림 Flutter of Passion  마칭 퍼레이드쇼

빛나는 추억 Glowing Memories - 자원봉사자 활동 영상

빛을 품은 그대들을 위하여 For Those who Embrace the Light - 축하 공연 (딕펑스)

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

▲ 2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony, Pre-Ceremony Cultural Events ⓒ외침

2015 Universiade Gwangju Closing ceremony

14. JULY 2015

Sharing the Light : 함께 나누는 빛

수많은 만남과 도전 속에

우리는 희망의 빛이 되었습니다.

젊음의 꿈과 열정으로

서로를 빛나게 해주었습니다.

이제 젊음이 가진 그 빛을

온 세상과 나누려고 합니다.

빛이 나눌수록 더 크고 밝아지듯

젊음이 나누는 꿈과 열정은

사랑과 평화가 넘치는 세상을 만들 것입니다.

Sharing the Light!

대한민국의 빛고을에서

눈부신 내일을 함께 열어갑니다.

Through many encounters and challenges,

we have become the beacon of hope.

With the dream and passion of youth

we gave light to one another.

Now, we wish to share the light

with the world.

As lights gather to create brighter light,

the dreams and passion we share

will create a world of peace and affection.

Sharing the Light!

We open the door to a brighter tomorrow

in Gwangju, Korea.


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