Author : 나랑블루 / Date : 2015. 7. 5. 03:29 / Category : 문화·예술·스포츠/광주U대회.유니버시아드
U are Shining
Universiade GWANGJU 2015
- Gwangju Universiade Opening ceremony
- Lighting of the Flame
젊음이 미래의 빛이다
- 개회식
- 성화점화
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony
3. JULY 2015
Gwangju Universiade Main Stadium (World Cup Stadium)
Lighting of the Flame
Lighting the World Together
Arrival of Torch/Lighting of the Flame/Fireworks
함께 세상을 빛내다.
성화입장/ 성화점화 / 어울림(불꽃놀이)
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
개회식의 하이라이트인 성화는 김덕현(육상 멀리뛰기), 최은숙(펜싱), 김택수(탁구), 임금별(태권도)에 이어 양학선(기계체조)과 박찬호(야구)가 함께 점화했다.
한편, 전세계 13,000여명이 참여하는 광주U대회는 광주와 전남⋅북, 충북 등 69개 경기⋅훈련장에서 21개 종목으로 치러진다. 세계 청년들이 만들어갈 스포츠 문화 축제는 7월 14일 폐회식을 끝으로 대장정의 막이 내린다.
Author : 나랑블루 / Date : 2015. 7. 5. 03:01 / Category : 문화·예술·스포츠/광주U대회.유니버시아드
U are Shining
Universiade GWANGJU 2015
- Gwangju Universiade Opening ceremony
- Official Ceremony 2, Cultural Performance 3
젊음이 미래의 빛이다
- 개회식
- 공식행사2, 문화행사 3
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony
3. JULY 2015
Gwangju Universiade Main Stadium (World Cup Stadium)
Official Ceremony 2
Welcoming Address/Opening Address/Words of Encouragement/Declaration of the Opening/Arrival of FISU flag/Flag-hoisting Ceremony/Player and Referee Oath
Cultural Performance 3
Light of Future : U are Shining
Light Within Us/Seeing the other Face of the Earth/The Message of life/The Light that Shines the Future
공식행사 2
환영사/개회사/대회사/개회선언/대회기입장/대회기게양/선수·심판 대표선서
문화행사 3
미래의 빛: U are Shining
내 안의 빛/세상의 이면과 만나다 / 생명의 메시지/ 미래를 밝히는 빛
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Official Ceremony 2 ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Official Ceremony 2 ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Official Ceremony 2 ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Official Ceremony 2 ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Light of Future : U are Shining ⓒ외침
윤장현 조직위원장은 환영사를 통해 세상의 빛이 될 빛나는 청춘들에게 “광주에서 따뜻한 정을 느끼고, 다양한 문화 예술을 즐기길 바란다”면서 “광주에서 맺은 우정으로 이 세상을 더욱 밝고 따뜻하게 만들어달라”고 당부했다.
김황식 조직위원장은 “우리 청년‧대학생들이 이번 대회를 통해 민주‧인권‧평화의 가치를 공유하고, 정의와 선의가 승리하는 미래, 서로를 향해 기꺼이 박수를 보낼 수 있는 미래를 펼쳐나가기를 기대한다”고 개회사를 밝혔다.
끌로드 루이 갈리앙 FISU 회장은 대회사를 통해 “이미 두번의 대회를 개최한 한국은 우리에게 집 같은 곳”이라고 이야기한 뒤, “이번 유니버시아드기간 함께 야심을 품어보자. 서로 경쟁하는 것이 아닌, 함께 경쟁했을 때만 진정한 승리를 거둘 수 있다. 오늘동안만큼은 챔피언이 되고, 미래에는 더 좋은 세상을 만드는 리더가 되라”고 참가자들에게 제안했다.
이어 “대한민국 광주에서 세계의 젊음이 함께하는 제28회 광주 하계유니버시아드 개회를 선언한다”는 박근혜 대통령의 개회 선언으로 본격적인 대회 돌입이 선포됐다.
체육 꿈나무들이 FISU 대회기를 들고 입장했고, 임형주 팝페라테너와 한국예술종합학교 남성 중창단의 대회가가 울려 퍼지자, FISU기가 게양됐다.
선수대표로는 김국영(육상), 김성연(유도)이 나서 스포츠맨십에 맞는 페어플레이를 펼칠 것을 다짐했다.
이와 함께 심판 대표로 김대남(야구 심판), 박미선(육상 심판)은 경기를 공정하게 판정할 것을 선서했다.
선수, 심판 대표 선서에 이어 펼쳐진 문화행사는 국악과 대중가요, 무용, 퍼포먼스 등 장르를 아우르는 공연이었다. 배우 주원, 국악인 송소희, 가수 유노윤호가 열연을 펼쳐 관중들과 선수들의 이목을 집중시켰다.
세 사람은 국악과 대중가요가 절묘하게 어우러진 ‘U are shining’을 열창하며 행사의 분위기를 고조시켰다.
이윽고 무등산국립공원 서석대를 형상화한 조형물과 무대 전체를 배경삼아 미디어아트가 펼쳐지며 ‘빛의 도시’ 다운 면모가 발산됐다.
Author : 나랑블루 / Date : 2015. 7. 5. 02:26 / Category : 문화·예술·스포츠/광주U대회.유니버시아드
U are Shining
Universiade GWANGJU 2015
- Gwangju Universiade Opening ceremony
- Cultural Performance 2
젊음이 미래의 빛이다
- 개회식
- 문화행사 2
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony
3. JULY 2015
Gwangju Universiade Main Stadium (World Cup Stadium)
Cultural Performance 2
History of Knowledge and Communication
The Begining of learning and Communication/Path of Youth/Youth of Today/Festival of Youth
문화행사 2
젊음, 배우고 소통하다
배움과 소통의 시작/젊음의 길/오늘의 젊음/젊음의 축제
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,History of Knowledge and Communication ⓒ외침
2부 문화행사에서는 훈민정음부터 스마트폰까지 ‘한국의 젊은이’들이 일궈온 자산들을 바탕으로 세계 젊은이들이 소통하는 이야기가 소개됐다.
특히 작가들이 나서 기아차를 캔버스삼아 미술 퍼포먼스를 선보이는 등 이색적인 광경을 연출했다. 블락비의 무대가 이어지자 객석과 선수단의 환호성이 터져 나왔다.
Author : 나랑블루 / Date : 2015. 7. 5. 01:48 / Category : 문화·예술·스포츠/광주U대회.유니버시아드
U are Shining
Universiade GWANGJU 2015
- Gwangju Universiade Opening ceremony
- March Pass of Participating Countries
젊음이 미래의 빛이다
- 선수단입장
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony
3. JULY 2015
Gwangju Universiade Main Stadium (World Cup Stadium)
March Pass of Participating Countries
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, March Pass of Participating Countries ⓒ외침
아프가니스탄을 시작으로 선수단이 입장하자 관객들은 손을 들어 환호하고, 선수단을 환영했다.
브라질은 ‘광주의 따뜻한 환영에 감사합니다’라는 내용의 플래카드를 들고 입장해 눈길을 끌었다. 광주U대회 마스코트 누리비는 입장하는 선수들과 함께 춤을 추며 흥을 돋웠다. 오만 선수단은 ‘고마워요 광주’, 우루과이 선수단은 ‘감사합니다. 우루과이는 광주를 사랑합니다’란 플래카드를 들고 나타났다. 광주U대회 참가 선수단 중 가장 먼저 한국에 입국한 베네수엘라 선수단은 노래에 맞춰 흥겹게 몸을 흔들며 등장했다.
개최국은 마지막에 입장하는 관례에 따라 대한민국 선수단은 가장 마지막에 들어왔고, 객석에서는 더욱 뜨거운 박수와 환호가 터져 나왔다. 주요 내빈들도 일어서서 한국 선수단의 입장을 열렬히 환영했다.
한국 선수단은 ‘나는 자랑스런 대한민국 국가대표. 비상하라 대한민국’이라 적힌 플래카드를 들고 나왔다.
146개국 13,000여명이 이번 2015광주유니버시아드에 함께했다.
Author : 나랑블루 / Date : 2015. 7. 5. 00:42 / Category : 문화·예술·스포츠/광주U대회.유니버시아드
U are Shining
Universiade GWANGJU 2015
- Gwangju Universiade Opening ceremony
- Cultural Performance 1
젊음이 미래의 빛이다
- 개회식
- 문화행사
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony
3. JULY 2015
Gwangju Universiade Main Stadium (World Cup Stadium)
Cultural Performance 1
Light, The Brith of Youth
The fetal Monement/Encounter and Harmony/Youth Spreads its Wings
문화행사 1
빛 : 젊음의 탄생
태동의 기운/만남과 화합/젊음이 날개를 펴다
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Light, The Brith of Youth ⓒ외침
Author : 나랑블루 / Date : 2015. 7. 4. 08:31 / Category : 문화·예술·스포츠/광주U대회.유니버시아드
U are Shining
Universiade GWANGJU 2015
- Gwangju Universiade Opening ceremony
- Welcoming Ceremony, Official Ceremony 1
젊음이 미래의 빛이다
- 개막식
- 환영행사, 공식행사1
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Flame(Torch]) ⓒ외침
Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony
3. JULY 2015
Gwangju Universiade Main Stadium (World Cup Stadium)
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침
귀빈환영/카운트다운/개최국기 입장/개최국기 게양
Official Ceremony 1
Greeting of VIP/Countdown/Arrival of the National flag of Korea/Flag-hoisting Ceremony
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Greeting of VIP ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Flag-hoisting Ceremony ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Flag-hoisting Ceremony ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Flag-hoisting Ceremony ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Flag-hoisting Ceremony ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Flag-hoisting Ceremony ⓒ외침
6년여 간의 준비 끝에 펼쳐지는 광주U대회를 축하하는 영상이 상영되고, 블랙이글스의 에어쇼에 이어 체육 꿈나무들과 함께 U대회 출신 금메달리스트인 마라토너 황영조가 국기를 들고 입장했다.
K-POP, 국악 등 다양한 장르의 공연과 함께 빛을 활용한 퍼포먼스가 펼쳐지자 주경기장은 화려한 빛의 스펙트럼으로 더욱 빛났다.