Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony ,Lighting of the Flame, 2015광주하계유니버시아드 - 개회식 - 성화점화
U are Shining
Universiade GWANGJU 2015
- Gwangju Universiade Opening ceremony
- Lighting of the Flame
젊음이 미래의 빛이다
- 개회식
- 성화점화
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony
3. JULY 2015
Gwangju Universiade Main Stadium (World Cup Stadium)
Lighting of the Flame
Lighting the World Together
Arrival of Torch/Lighting of the Flame/Fireworks
함께 세상을 빛내다.
성화입장/ 성화점화 / 어울림(불꽃놀이)
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Lighting the World Together ⓒ외침
개회식의 하이라이트인 성화는 김덕현(육상 멀리뛰기), 최은숙(펜싱), 김택수(탁구), 임금별(태권도)에 이어 양학선(기계체조)과 박찬호(야구)가 함께 점화했다.
한편, 전세계 13,000여명이 참여하는 광주U대회는 광주와 전남⋅북, 충북 등 69개 경기⋅훈련장에서 21개 종목으로 치러진다. 세계 청년들이 만들어갈 스포츠 문화 축제는 7월 14일 폐회식을 끝으로 대장정의 막이 내린다.
Photo: like1@naver.com