
Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony Welcoming Ceremony, Official Ceremony , 2015광주하계유니버시아드 - 개막식 - 환영행사, 공식행사

나랑블루 2015. 7. 4. 08:31

U are Shining


Universiade GWANGJU 2015 

- Gwangju Universiade  Opening ceremony 

Welcoming Ceremony, Official Ceremony 1

젊음이 미래의 빛이다



- 개막식 

- 환영행사, 공식행사1

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Flame(Torch]) ⓒ외침

Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony

3. JULY 2015

Gwangju Universiade Main Stadium (World Cup Stadium)

젊음을 깨우는 소리
“빛고을 광주‘로의 초대/젊음을 깨우는 소리/젊음의 노래

Welcoming Ceremony
The Sound that Awaken Youth
Invitation to 'Gwangju'/The sound that awakens Youth/The Song Youth

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, The Sound that Awaken Youth ⓒ외침


귀빈환영/카운트다운/개최국기 입장/개최국기 게양

Official Ceremony 1

Greeting of VIP/Countdown/Arrival of the National flag of Korea/Flag-hoisting Ceremony

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony, Greeting of VIP ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony  ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony  ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Flag-hoisting Ceremony ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Flag-hoisting Ceremony ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Flag-hoisting Ceremony ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Flag-hoisting Ceremony ⓒ외침

▲ Universiade GWANGJU 2015 Opening ceremony,Flag-hoisting Ceremony ⓒ외침

4만여 명의 관중들이 객석을 메운 가운데, 식전행사로 풍물놀이와 레크레이션에 이어 안지환, 태인영의 사회로 진행됐다. 

6년여 간의 준비 끝에 펼쳐지는 광주U대회를 축하하는 영상이 상영되고, 블랙이글스의 에어쇼에 이어 체육 꿈나무들과 함께 U대회 출신 금메달리스트인 마라토너 황영조가 국기를 들고 입장했다. 

K-POP, 국악 등 다양한 장르의 공연과 함께 빛을 활용한 퍼포먼스가 펼쳐지자 주경기장은 화려한 빛의 스펙트럼으로 더욱 빛났다.  

Photo: like1@naver.com